大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 7: THE CHARIOT

Card Meaning [Upright]Straight ahead, forward, passion, goal oriented, overcoming fears and difficulties, [Reversed]Out of control, run amok, spinning out of control, uppercut, not progressing well, losing sight of goal,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 6: THE LOVERS

Card Meaning [Upright]Fun, excitement, choose what you like, freedom, independence, paradise, harmony, love, [Reversed]Anxious, lost, indecisive, tempted, kicked out of paradise, uncomfortable,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 5: THE HIEROPHANT

Card Meaning [Upright]Common sense, social skills, dependable, teacher, trust, trustworthy, savior, [Reversed]Insane, not following the rules, dishonest, out of shape, care about how people see you,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 4: THE EMPEROR

Card Meaning [Upright]Masculinity, firmness, stability, leadership, energy, actualization, planning, goals, dominance, solidify, ambitions, [Reversed]Unconfident, unable to execute, get lost, arrogant, selfish,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 3: THE EMPRESS

Card Meaning [Upright]Femininity, mother, abundance, beauty, happiness, love, achievement, nurture, attraction, acceptance, fruitfulness, softness, comfort, relaxation, [Reversed]Tired, lazy, unaccepting, self-denial, sexy, jealousy,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)

Card Meaning [Upright]Yin and yang, balance, calm, listen to your heart, learn, intuition, receive messages, sharpen, [Reversed]Showing emotions, nervous, frustrated, showing my feelings, still learning,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 1: THE MAGICIAN

Card Meaning [Upright]Start, strong will, talent, create, ready, confidence, limitless potential, power, [Reverse]Lack of confidence, lack of preparedness, unable to create, deception,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 0: THE FOOL

Card Meaning [Upright]Beginning of journey, protagonist, freedom, reset, adventure, possibilities, don’t care about others, presence protected by God, [Reversed]Reckless, irresponsible, too scary with too many possibilities, haphazard, flailing, hasn’t started yet,

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