大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 17: THE STAR

Card Meaning [Upright]Wish upon a star, make your dreams come true, become popular, internet, show your talents, possibilities, [Reversed]Pessimistic, mental exhaustion, wishes unfulfilled, sensory dulled, unable to reach your potential,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 16: THE TOWER

Card Meaning [Upright]A thunderbolt out of the blue, an unexpected turn of events, awareness through disruption, a change in values and thinking, surprise and cleansing, [Reversed]Slowly crumbling, somehow understood, confusion, settlement, clean up after,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 15: THE DEVIL

Card Meaning [Upright]Fear, instinct, trapped, body, temptation, dependence, lose reason, have to, networking, [Reversed]Unchained, liberated, escape from obsession,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 14: TEMPERANCE

Card Meaning [Upright]Harmonizing, coordinating, utilizing, mixing, understanding, communicating, doing it right, [Reversed]I don’t understand, I can’t do it right, disharmonious, too attached to details, too conscious,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 13: DEATH

Card Meaning [Upright]Death and rebirth, turning point, transformation, letting go, make something clear, [Reversed]Stuck in a doldrums, stuck, unable to move forward, dragging on, lingering,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 12: THE HANGED MAN

Card Meaning [Upright]Self-sacrifice, believe and wait, enlightenment, patience, fulfilling the task, stuck, accepting the trials, [Reversed]Struggle, endurance, wasted effort,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 11: JUSTICE

Card Meaning [Upright]Fair, balance, give and take, calm judgment, trial, contract, businesslike, [Reversed]Unjust, lack of composure, inconsistent, unable to fulfill contract, unbalanced, emotional,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 10: WHEEL OF FORTUNE

Card Meaning [Upright]Timing is right, opportunity arrives, going with the flow, to go well, coincidence, [Reversed]Opportunities don’t appear, stagnate, take a little time, not yet the right time,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 9: THE HERMIT

Card Meaning [Upright]Exploration, introspection, face your heart, truth, pursuit of Ideals, [Reversed]Shutting oneself in one’s own world, immersing oneself, escaping, sulking, beware,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 8: STRENGTH

Card Meaning [Upright]Overcoming difficulties, control, overcoming, confidence, someone is crazy about you, get over, compassion, [Reversed]Out of control, losing control of myself, being pushed around,

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