小アルカナ(minor arcana)
6 of WANDS

Card Meaning [Upright]Triumph, success, dominate, advance, recognized, advance, [Reversed]Win but it takes time, failure,

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小アルカナ(minor arcana)
5 of WANDS

Card Meaning [Upright]Friendly competition, clash for growth, struggle for ideals, resistance, growth, debate, discussing, [Reversed]Imposition of opinions, harmony after conflict,

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小アルカナ(minor arcana)
4 of WANDS

Card Meaning [Upright]Marriage, happiness, relief, reaching one destination (not the final destination), [Reversed]It’s hard to get out of the situation, I lose track of my goals, I can’t achieve them, time to move on,

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小アルカナ(minor arcana)
3 of WANDS

Card Meaning [Upright]The situation you want comes, good news arrives, rewarded, [Reversed]People who you’re waiting for won’t come, no news received,

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小アルカナ(minor arcana)
2 of WANDS

Card Meaning [Upright]New passions, broader perspectives, goal achievement, respect two things, [Reversed]Imbalance, can’t respect each other, alienation,

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Card Meaning [Upright]Baton turns to you, start, passion ignites, motivation, [Reversed]Unmotivated, fighting,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 21: THE WORLD

Card Meaning [Upright]Integration, completion, finish, goal, happiness, joy, highest point, harmony, [Reversed]Almost at the finish line, one more step, incomplete, unfinished, unable to be myself,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 20: JUDGEMENT

Card Meaning [Upright]Resurrection, reunion, awakening, inspiration, dimensional rise, promotion, opening the lid, waking up, [Reversed]The celestial maiden hasn’t appeared yet, timing is not right, stuck in the past, unrewarded,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 19: THE SUN

Card Meaning [Upright]Fulfillment, accomplishment, wish fulfillment, show your true self, happiness, joy, winning, shining, [Reversed]Not bad, not satisfactory, one more step, a little bit more, halfway, not bad,

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大アルカナ(major arcana)
Major Arcana 18: THE MOON

Card Meaning [Upright]Unsure, anxiety, fear, unclear, intuitive, subconscious, [Reversed]Dawn, gradual reveal, awakening from a dream, understand the reality,

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