In numerology and tarot cards, the number “5” has the meaning of change and movement, and also represents the “body.”

Two cats are standing under a dark sky, looking haggard and sick. When they turn around for a moment, behind them is the temple, which will soon rescue them. I wonder if they don’t realize that…

The card that shows how one is so focused on one’s own deficiencies and physical ailments that one does not see anything else, is the 5 of PENTACLES.

But when it appears in the reverse position, it also means that you realize that relief exists or that you have this. It represents a change in perspective.

Every time I see those cats, I feel sorry for them…I want to show them the temple behind them.

Card Meaning

Financial insufficiency, physical Insufficiency, loss, poverty, loneliness, stringency, I have nothing,

discover the existence of salvation, discover the solution,